Rebranding companies turn stone into gold, they make your company more succesful and make your clients happier too. Companies are used to spend fortunes in corporate design: stationary, sponsoring, packaging, signs… But if they stopped just for a moment to analize their numbers, they would realize that something is going wrong in this business. They forgot to lay the foundation for their corporate strategy; they forgot their brand was designed in 1917, by the brother-in-law of the company treasurer, who was an art teacher at a secondary school in a backwater of Minesota.

Why are you wasting you money advertising a brand that doesn’t rule. Why don’t you accept “the times they are changin”. It’s nothing to do whith vintage or retro style. It’s a commercial business, and logos need to adapt to new reality. Your corporate logo is your seal of guarantee, is the image of your company inside your client’s mind. A host of big companies, such as Apple, Ford, McDonalds, Shell, Pepsi, 3M, etc. changed their logos many times. Others, like IBM or Movistar decided to change even its name. All of them were good decisions.

Only best naming and branding consultants will undestand your history, your stakeholders, your business, and will know what your company needs today, not in 1934. Rebranding companies can turn an old business into a modern one. All your company is demanding you is to break the chains of past times, longing, and sentimental load, to start looking at what the future is offering to you. And you’ll soon realize that a new sunrise is lighting up your company, your projects and your hopes.