It’s well know by corporate logo designers that pink colour express femininity, love, warmth and sexuality. It’s also known that it affects us physically, but it soothes, rather than stimulates. It is a very powerful colour in the human psychology. It’s obvious that pink symbolizes the feminine principle. However, it also represents survival of the species.
Pink is used by corporate logo designers to express femininity, love, warmth and sexuality

There’s no wonder that pink is the favourite colour for corporate branding designers to create sexy brands for parfumes, lingerie, etc.
There’s no wonder that pink is the favourite colour for corporate branding designers to create sexy and luxury brands for parfumes, lingerie, clothing, etc. Pink brands are often focused in female target. Pink could be mixed with other colours as blue, black and white, but it’s not easy to to mix it with green or yellow without turning your brand into a silly kisch logo…

Pink is also a risky bet in corporate branding design.
Nevertheless, pink colour can take a brand to the dark side of style… The right pink could create a sexy and luxury brand, but the wrong one could seem vulgar and kisch. So, corporate logo designers of the world, trust me: be careful with the pink. It’s a risky bet.